Starring: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Anna Paquin, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Rebecca Romjin-Stamos, Tyler Mane, Bruce Davidson, Ray Park
Distributed By: 20th Century Fox
Release Date: July 2000
This is the movie that cemented the superhero genre in all its many forms into my heart and I still love watching it.
Director Bryan Singer proves that comic book movies aren't just about visual gags and bright costumes and the first scene of this movie is extremely powerful!
Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are absolutely perfect as Charles and Erik and both actors bring gravitas to the movie.
There are many performances to enjoy and I particularly like Famke Janssen as Jean, Anna Paquin as Rogue and Rebecca Romjin-Stamos as Mystique, but for me this movie is completely stolen by wonderful Hugh Jackman portraying my favourite X-Man Wolverine.
There is a lot of humour throughout and most of my favourite scenes involve Wolverine as he finds chemistry with Jean, rivalry with Cyclops and begins a lovely friendship with Rogue.
The fight sequence between Wolverine and Mystique is great fun too.
Possibly the first in the current wave of superhero movies to perfectly blend rather extreme comic book elements with a realistic storyline and mature themes with compassion this is a great start to a genre of movies that continue to demand our love and appreciation.
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