Monday, 23 January 2012

Reign of Fire

Director: Rob Bowman

Starring: Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Izabella Scorupco, Gerard Butler

Distributed By: Touchstone Pictures

Release Date: July 2002


One of my favourite movies in the dragon genre; this doesn't mess around!
This is grim stuff set in an almost completely destroyed world with the dragons supremely in charge, but there are also some sweet moments as the adults try to keep up a sense of optimism for the young.
Christian Bale always portrays serious characters very well and Gerard Butler adds some much needed charm.

Izabella Scorupco is excellent and it's nice to see a woman toughing it out with the men.
Without a doubt this is Matthew McConaughey's movie; his transformation into the character of Van Zan is truly remarkable and his acting is superb.
The story is very believable for a movie of this type and the CGI is outstanding!

The dragons themselves seal the deal, they are beautifully scary creatures that light up the screen as they thwart our hero’s plans!
This is a movie worth repeat viewings; a dark and gritty man vs. nature showdown and its one hell of a show...

Friday, 20 January 2012

The Adjustment Bureau

Director: George Nolfi

Starring: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, John Slattery, Michael Kelly, Terence Stamp, Donnie Keshawarz, Anthony Ruivivar

Distributed By: Universal Pictures

Release Date: March 2011


This is a stylish thriller with a supernatural twist.
I love how normal the whole movie feels. Nothing is too overdone and each scene feels believable.
Both Matt Damon and Emily Blunt give beautifully understated performances as they meet and feel a spark of what they both want to fulfil and the members of the bureau are mysterious as they become a feature in David's life with Terrance Stamp bringing a creepy factor into the mix and the movie does a good job with its twists and turns.
This compelling story about loss, love and fate is charming in every way.
Now where did I leave my hat?

Friday, 13 January 2012


Director: Neil Burger

Starring: Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert DeNiro, Anna Friel, Johnny Whitworth

Distributed By: Relativity Media

Release Date: March 2011

I love everything about this movie!
Bradley Cooper does brilliantly as his character Eddie goes between being extremely focused to being on very intense downward spirals!
The cinematography is great throughout and I especially love the intense brightness of inspiration as pills kick in!
The cast are all great and Robert DeNiro is powerful in his infrequent moments on screen.
This is a really intriguing movie that's full of action and I found myself equally fearing for Eddie and cheering him on throughout!
Enjoyably tempting!